The Boldly Pursue Blog.

Surgery on New Year’s Day

While it might not make sense to everyone, having unexpected surgery on New Year’s Day made me more sure than ever that 2024 will be an amazing year!.ย  <Read More>

Is the Tooth Fairy Real?

Life changes and people change and I donโ€™t always know what to do with that or how to feel about it. But I feel it deeply and intensely, actually. I feel it in a way that creates the heavy in my chest and the sting in my eyes. But then I feel it in ways that make me giggle, too.  <Read More>

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Bubbles & Being Known

It feels so good to be known, doesnโ€™t it? To be seen and noticed. A trip to New Hope Girls taught me this powerful lesson through bubbles and the privilege of loving one very special little girls. <Read More>

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